Buyer Services
Custom Home Search - Tell me exactly what you want and we'll give you a list of all the homes that match - in less than 24 hours.
MLS Alert - Keep on top of your search with your own website which contains all the listings that meet your criteria, updated continually. Maps, photos, and full details.
Preview Power - Once I know what you're looking for, I will pre-view homes on your list. I often see houses the 1st day on the market. If it's a good match you will be the first to know.
EX Homes - All of my clients have access to my "Exceptional Homes" list. I often show and preview hundreds of properties each month. I video & photograph (with the seller's permission) and write a summery of each property that really stands out.
Electronic Efficiency - I am not only computer-savvy, I am a computer consultant, web designer and internet marketing specialist. I use computer technology to make sure your transaction is as smooth and efficient as possible. My eContracts is a good example. If you have email, you have the option of secure electronic signing wherever you are - no more FedExing or inconvenient meetings. You always have the latest version of the contract and a live calendar with all the dates and deadlines at your fingertips.